Thursday, November 24, 2011


It's an unconventional holiday for me & Nacho. We're on the road today about 4 hours from my hometown. So while most people are either into their 3rd hour of holiday prep or still sleeping in, we are inching closer to my family.
Family. That word means different things to different people. My definition got a permanent rewording when my parents divorced almost 30 years ago. I learned that family doesn't have to be that group that you are born into. Family for me is the people you chose to surround yourself with. And I've chosen some pretty cool family members.
At its core, my family is my sister Renee, my brother Jimmy, my nephew Bryce, and, of course, Nacho.  I am fiercly loyal to my family & grateful for each one of us. When I think of everything my siblings & I did to get to this family, it makes me smile. And I couldn't have chosen a better family member to add to our little clan than Nacho. For him I am most ThankFull.
So whether you are elbow deep in a turkey or doing your best today to decline "one more piece" of whatever, take a good look around at those people (or animals) you've chosen to spend it with & be ThanFull they chose you too!
Happy Turkey, TurDuckEn, ToFurkey Day!

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